The Learning Center

Insights • Q&A • Resources


The Stigma of Sexually Transmitted Infections and How It Affects Oklahoma

SHAPE retreat 2022

SHAPE Retreat 2022


What Sexual Health Education is like in Other Parts of the World

Birch Blog Square

My 7th Grade Students Learned ALOT


Students’ Questions Reveal the Need for Healthy Sexual Education


How’s Work Going at Teen emPower?

Trusted Sources

For Research and Support

A go-to site for state and county teen birth data in Oklahoma, plus downloadable factsheets and links to community initiatives and national and state teen pregnancy prevention resources.

Part of the national KIDS COUNT Data Center, it provides data and reports on a wide range of child and adolescent well-being indicators in Oklahoma.

A national source for birth data, adolescent health survey results, program resources and information about federally-funded teen pregnancy prevention grants.

A national organization that provides training, resource materials, an annual conference and connections to local and state teen pregnancy prevention groups across the country.

A user-friendly overview of the national report, Promoting Positive Adolescent Health Behaviors and Outcomes, that can be used with schools, youth-serving organizations, and other community groups to increase support for adolescent health programs and services that provide opportunities for all youth to achieve optimal health.

A trusted source of information about sexual health and contraceptive methods to help young people make informed decisions, it has extensive program and policy resources to help providers improve reproductive health services and contraceptive access.

Designed for young adults by the Power To Decide, this site is focused on birth control access, education and reproductive health services and clinic information to meet the needs of that specific age group.

A leading youth development organization that offers practical ways to intentionally build critical Development Assets and Developmental Relationships that help all youth thrive.

An initiative of Search Institute that offers practical ideas and activities to help parents, schools, and organizations that serve families support strong family relationships.

A national organization that works alongside thousands of young people in the U.S. and around the globe, helping them grow as advocates for sexual health, rights, and justice.

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