What It's Like
In The Classroom

Compassionately Candid
The content we cover in class is developmentally appropriate for each grade level. As students progress from middle school to high school, the content maturity grows with them.
We begin by setting expectations for discussions so that students are prepared to participate. Our classroom time is dedicated to presenting the material and students participation in activities that enhance their understanding of the content.
Throughout our time in the class, students are given opportunities to submit questions anonymously. Each student is given a note card and asked to write their question down, and if they don't have one, they draw a picture or write a joke. That way, everyone is anonymous. Our health educators are professional and well-trained in answering questions with factual and medically accurate information.
Teachers Say...
“I wish I had the chance to take a program as effective as SHAPE. It would have helped instill in me the knowledge and self confidence that I can take power over my sexual health.”
– Taft Middle School 7th Grade Teacher –

Student Led Discussions
Peer Educators join us for four days for the 8th-grade classes. Often the peer educators teach in the middle school they previously attended. They get to connect in realistic and authentic ways, expanding student comprehension and adoption of the material.
We always have an experienced Adult educator present during the Peer Educators' lessons. While the Peer Educators take the lead on facilitating the content the Adult educator is there to assist with questions, classroom management, and supervision of the content delivery.