
We partner with Oklahoma healthcare professionals and advocates to provide impactful resources.

Teen Clinic provides after-school clinics twice a month at Variety Care for youth ages 13-21.  The after-school clinic events offer sexual and reproductive health services from teen-friendly medical providers at no cost to teens.  Services are provided on a first come, first serve basis.

Honestly is the backbone of the Central Oklahoma Teen Pregnancy Prevention Collaboration, a county-wide network of services and nonprofits. They provide resources to professionals, adults, and youth.

Amplify brings organizations working in youth sexual health together to reach our shared goals more effectively. We provide support for sex education implementation and expansion, educator training, professional development opportunities, and collect data on public perception and teen birth rates.

An Oklahoma women’s public health think tank that aims to normalize and broaden women’s health conversations through data storytelling, policy evaluation, and interactive outreach events.

A go-to site for state and county teen birth data in Oklahoma, plus downloadable fact sheets and links to community initiatives and national and state pregnancy prevention resources.

A Teen Empower partner in providing middle and high school models of quality sexual health education connected to teen health services and community resources.

We're Currently In

Oklahoma County Schools

Empower Our Teens

With just $25, we can improve the classroom experience.

A special thank you to our funding partners:

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